Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mission Impossible? Done.

I sit here now, shortly after midnight and completely exhausted, staring at my beer-filled cup in front of me, not knowing whether to drink it or frame it.

Two things happened as the clock struck midnight. Firstly, I submitted the final of a trillion of my clients' Tax Returns, just meeting the 31st January deadline. And, secondly, I completed my first ever month of my self-imposed alcohol ban.

I had promised myself that at 12.01am on 1 February I would crack open a bottle of beer, upon completion of the final Tax Return, but to be honest now that I have succeeded this seemingly impossible mission I don't know what to do. I feel a bit numb and all I want to do is sleep for a week.

Seriously, though, I am well chuffed with myself for having the willpower to stay off the booze. Not since the days of the late 80's when I first started drinking with my mates at the Brewery Tap in my home town of Luton on a Friday night have I gone so long without a drink, and to achieve this now that I am a lot longer in the tooth was a big ask and is a big achievement. It just goes to show that if I put my mind to something I CAN achieve it.

I am determined to apply this positive thinking into my training too and so I need to abandon all thoughts of sleep and rest and get to the job in hand. I now look forward to putting all my time and effort into the swim, bike, run stuff and what better way to kick-start the enthusiasm than with a trip to the TCR show next weekend.

The week gone by was my 'easy' training week, so there's nothing to report, except for a couple of runs and some more press-ups. No swimming or cycling though. Next week that's all set to change, as I get back on track with my run plan and start cranking up the bike and swim training too. And of course there's the TCR show at the weekend to look forward to.

Another successful mission impossible was my football team's two successive games without defeat. This week we drew 1 - 1 which continues our meteoric rise up the table. There's still a long way to go, but you can see the boys' confidence lifted as the weeks go by. Hopefully I will have the same confident feeling as I get back into training.

Bye for now.


(EDIT: Just in case you're wondering whether I drank it or framed it, I drank it. And a few more. Here's me and Jev celebrating the end of our joint alcohol ban.)

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