Sunday, January 18, 2009

Over in a flash

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems an hour; sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity. Who said that? Answers on a postcard, please.

Why is it that all those things we love to do are over so quickly, yet all those boring jobs - washing the dishes, cleaning the house - seem to take an age to get done?

I went on my weekly jaunt on the mountain bike this week and it was over in a flash. Actually, I was out there for an hour or so, but it seemed like 2 minutes. I keep telling myself that I must get back onto the road bike, but why should I? I love MTB'ing and it's giving me a fantastic interval-type workout. So, I've decided that MTB'ing comes first and if I have any time left-over then I will get out on the Giant. Having said that, I have started up spinning at the gym and am thoroughly enjoying it.

Another moment in time which passed so quickly was a recent photo-shoot with the family - kids, parents, brother and his wife and kids. A professional shoot which brought us all together for the first time in ages. The photographer made us feel very comfortable and as soon as you could say cheese it was all over. 300 photos later, we have chosen 35 of the best, some of which have already taken pride of place in my living room, together with the new LCD TV. They weren't cheap, but you don't get this type of thing done too often. Here's one with me being squashed by the three midgets (not so midgety nowadays!).

Another big week of training...

Monday – bike - Calshot velodrome, 37 press-ups
Tuesday – rest, 38 press-ups
Wednesday – bike - gym spin (fixed wheel), run - treadmill at constant 180 strides/min, incorporating 3000 metres (broken) at 4 min/km, and 39 press-ups
Thursday – run - 72 minutes hard Ashridge run with Alex, and 40 press-ups
Friday - bike - gym spin, run - sprints, and 41 press-ups
Saturday – run - 400 metre intervals, and 42 press-ups
Sunday – run - easy 60 minute road run, and 43 press-ups

Next week more of the same. No special MTB rides planned, although I am sure I will get out sometime over Ashridge or Apsley.

Finally, the photo up-top is of Adam shortly after having won Man of the Match for his fantastic performance in this week's match. OK, his dad might be the team's coach, but his MoM was well-deserved, AND he scored the winning goal in a 1 - 0 victory! Our first win of the season and the start of our rise to the top of the league no doubt. Well, I can dream, can't I? Better than thinking about the next DIY job I need to do around the house, that's for sure!

Cheers, C


Anonymous said...

I notice your rule about doing "one more" for certain excersises is going on with your press ups. Does this mean you'll be doing 400 each day by the end of the year?

Colin Bradley said...

Good point. I'll have to decide a point at which to stop adding.