Sunday, October 26, 2008

That was the year that was...

The end of the season and here is Bradley's End of Year Report.


2008 review:

Colin started the year with great promise with regular improvements at 400 metres. Times down to a steady 6:40. After joining Shires Triers triathlon club in the Spring Colin began structured swim training sessions although this was at the expense of his usual swimming sessions. Nevertheless, times continued to improve, culminating in a 400m PB at the Concorde Sprint Triathlon of 6:29 (first ever sub-6:30 in a race). 1500 metre times did not improve, despite the purchase of the all-singing-all-dancing Blue70 Helix wetsuit.

Aims for next year:

Sub 6:20 400 metre time. Sub 12 minutes 750 metre time (open water). Sub 25 minutes 1500 metre time (open water).

Effort: B
Achievement: B+


2008 review:

Colin improved enormously this year on the bike and this is down to his hard efforts on his shiny new carbon steed - the Planet X Stealth. Colin's 10 mile time-trial times improved consistently throughout the Summer season, culminating in a PB of 25:09.

Aims for next year:

Sub 25 minute 10 mile time trial. Sub 35 minute 20K. Sub 1:10 40K.

Effort: A
Achievement: A


2008 review:

Colin worked very hard on his running this year, however his run times have not particularly improved, although he did achieve a 5K time trial PB of 21:25, so all credit to him for putting in a lot of hard work. A running plan from tri247 in the Winter of 2007 put Colin in good stead for the Spring of 2008, and he continued this through the rest of the season. Colin would do far better if he was to curb his eating and drinking habits and lost some excess weight.

Aims for next year:

Sub 20 minute 5K time trial. To continue his training plan from Coach Mark K. Colin must appreciate the need for perseverance and keep to the plan religiously. Patience is the key.

Effort: B+
Achievement: C

Core Strength

2008 review:

Despite starting the year with a core strength training plan, Colin managed none whatsoever except for a few 15 minute sessions at the gym after spinning classes. No further comment.

Aims for next year:

To improve core strength by devoting a minimum of 2 gym sessions per week at 30 minutes per session.

Effort: U (Ungraded)
Achievement: U


2008 review:

A very busy and highly enjoyable season, although Colin did suffer from burnout by the end of the year. Transition times particularly pleasing, this as a result of regular transition practice sessions.

Highlights of the season were a PB and a first-ever sub 2:30 at Milton Keynes Olympic, completing the Thames Turbo series, a 4th place at the Bedford Mini and a 25:09 PB 10 mile time trial on the bike. Lowlight most definitely the Vitruvian, but also being (unfairly) DQ'd from the final Thames Turbo Sprint.

Aims for next year:

To build upon this year's very pleasing results by improving at each discipline, to include transitions. Colin must not be too keen to enter so many races, otherwise he might suffer from burnout again at the time of the season when he needs to be at his peak fitness.

Overall comments

Colin has recognised his weaknesses in running and concentrated heavily on this discipline during the year, although this has been at the slight detriment of his swim training. Colin's improved bike times are testament to his hard work out on the road, on the turbo trainer and in the gym at spin sessions. Colin needs to build on his successes of the season and carry this through the Autumn and Winter months ready for his very important World Qualifying Races in 2009.

Overall, a good year. Well done Colin!


The Stealth and Helix are both away for the Winter and only one more week of easy stuff before I am back to it. A mountain bike session last week, and probably another one this week and maybe a swim and run session.

Finally, very remiss of me not mentioning Queen Chrissie's amazing successful defence of her Hawaii Ironman title last Sunday week. With a number of high profile wins under her belt during 2008, doubtless her End of Year Report will make for some compulsive reading. A+'s across the board, no doubt. Swot!




Jevon said...

Good job Colin wasn't marked on spelling...
shiny doens't have an 'e', and a 'Swot' isn't what you do to pesky flies... :-)
Good work this season, fella...
I think sub 24 should be your TT aim for next year.
Also.. don't ease up on the drinking as that would mean I'd have to make Simon my drinking partner and that could spell disaster...

Colin Bradley said...

Ahha, well spotted sir. A couple of others too, so have amended hopefully to sir's satisfaction now :-)

Don't worry about the drinking - I am sure our regular sessions will be unaffected! After all, we DO talk triathlon on Friday evening's don't we, so it is rightly called an end-of-week training meeting??
